Friday, June 14, 2013



Hi, Oogies! We here at Team Oogie, after trying lots and lots of programs we have settled on

It's a great program, and it's easy to figure out, with a big community and lots of possibilities.

Also, no one has ever attempted a feature length film with it, meaning we will get loads of attention and help from other users!

You can find me as OogiemasterReturns on Scratch.

Oh, and the Scratch mascot, that little orange cat is absolutely adorable. I'm hoping we might be able to make him a background character to show our thanks to MIT for making this neat program!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there every oogie!
    We've got all of our recordings done and we're finally starting to animate! As Fluddles would say, YAY!
    Stay tuned in! :)


Say something, fellow Oogie!